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Supermarket Produce Display Case Lighting

Supermarket Produce Display Case Lighting
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"The fastest growing perishables category in 2006 was fresh produce."--Agriculture Canada. And today it is still the number one department in which grocery stores brand their store, their selection of fresh foods in an effort to grow sales and shopper loyalty.

Promolux International
makes specialized lighting for produce display cases, where healthy sales can only be improved with superior color definition. Produce marketing applications include fruit and vegetable displays and floral displays.

Promolux lighting optimizes the natural greens and reds, oranges and yellows of fresh produce, especially important where customers select out the freshest and most appealing items by hand.

Combine the merchandising advantages of superior color rendering with the benefits of longer shelf life and reduced levels of harmful heat and light emissions.

Natural colors remain true

Promolux high color definition lamps emit a more balanced visible spectrum of light than other fluorescent lamps, with more of the red and blue wavelengths, and moderated levels of the most damaging visible spectrum wavelengths, yellow and green. The result is visually attractive fresh food displays that show the produce to their best marketing advantage.

Protect freshness

Consistently appealing fresh fruit and vegetable displays draw customers and encourage them to purchase more and return regularly. Most customers avoid discolored or unnatural looking food displays and washed out colors.

Promolux retail produce lighting also emit lower levels of ultraviolet radiation and heat than other commercial lighting commonly found in supermarket produce departments, making these specialty produce display case lamps the perfect lighting choice for the produce industry.

Find Solutions to Lighting Problems in Produce Markets

1. Light induced potato greening can indicate dangerous toxins

2. Photochemical changes that cause colors to fade and loss of nutrients and flavor

3. Premature ripening and spoilage

4. Shrinkage, weight loss and drying of outer leaves

Low Radiation Balanced Spectrum Lighting is Food Safe and Profitable

Perishable produce displayed under lights in will always suffer damage from the effects of hot lamps and excessively bright lighting. Radiation of infrared and ultraviolet rays accelerates deterioration of food products and strong yellow and green portions of the visible spectrum wash out colors and diminish consumer appeal.

Full color balanced food safe lighting in your produce showcases is the best way to show the full of fresh natural blues, greens and reds, true yellows and oranges in all your produce displays.

Promolux food safe display lighting can instantly bring new life to the natural colors of fresh produce arranged in your retail marketing displays. The pioneer in true and natural color definition lighting, Promolux lamps give retailers the ultimate merchandising advantage for fresh vegetables, fruits, and leafy greens.

Why install Promolux in your Produce Display Cases?

1. True Color Visual Appeal

In the produce industry, eye appeal is buy appeal, and the most successful produce displays are also the most colorful. It is therefore vital for fruits and vegetables in supermarket produce departments to be displayed under lighting that reveals the true colors of the produce, but does not damage sensitive perishables.

Most supermarket fluorescent lighting is skewed to enhance green and yellow, which causes other colors such as red and white to appear discolored or not as bright as they should be. Under normal supermarket produce display case lighting, strawberries and radishes often look dull and cauliflower looks yellow.

Under PROMOLUX lamps, all color definition is more vibrant and appealing.

2. Prolonged Shelf Life and Less Waste

The costs of trimming produce displays can account for major retail losses, particularly in leafy greens and vegetables that wilt and dry out easily.

Independent laboratory tests conducted at the University of Zaragoza confirm that refrigerated produce displayed under Promolux lamps suffer less heat and radiation damage, and can reduce trim required to maintain attractive fresh produce displays. Promolux lamps use Safe Spectrum technology to reduce radiation and prolong shelf life of all perishables.

3. Enhanced Food Safety

Fruits and leafy green vegetables displayed under any kind of lighting fixture will always suffer damage from the effects of heat and light radiation, caused particularly by the infrared, ultraviolet and certain portions of the visible spectrum. Sunlight and conventional fluorescent lighting can initiate greening of potatoes and over-ripened fruits and spoilage before they can be sold.

Less heat and light radiation means better food safety. Approved by health officials for all fresh food displays, Promolux food safe lamps filter damaging radiation, protecting the fresh appearance and flavor of delicate produce, and ensuring food safety.

Read more information about Promolux low radiation specialty lamps for produce displays.

Greening of Potatoes Due to Solanin

Ultraviolet radiation and heat from supermarket fluorescent lighting initiate chemical reactions that cause potatoes to turn green and accumulate the poison solanine. Even small quantities of this poison can be lethal. Light is unnatural for tuber vegetables that grow in the ground such as carrots, onions, potatoes, and parsnips, and can affect their taste and appearance, and cause them to continue to grow in the grocery store or begin to decay.

Premature Ripening from Ethylene Gas

Ideally fruits and vegetables should be stored in a cool, dark place, away from the adverse effects of light. Light from natural and artificial sources accelerates the ripening process of fruits and vegetables, causing bananas, berries, and apricots to become overripe very quickly, and bean sprouts to grow past their ideal tender stage. In the ripening process, ethylene gas is released, which in turn causes nearby fruits and vegetables to ripen more quickly, and eventually decay and rot before they can be sold. PROMOLUX true full spectrum lamps alleviate such produce display lighting problems.

Shrinkage in Produce Department Salad Bars

Leafy green vegetables decay and wilt prematurely under the heat from regular supermarket produce display case lighting, causing supermarket salad bars and buffets to lose their freshness and appeal. Grocery store produce shrinkage from dehydration can be as high as $1 per foot per day.

Click here for more information about PROMOLUX vegetable display case lamps.